Disclosures & Terms of Conditions

Hello Pop Cloud Blog readers. I just wanted to put some disclosure and terms of conditions information here about some of the articles you are reading on my site. This page may be updated as needed.

Please be aware that some posts may contain affiliate links. If you decide to click these links and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission but there will be no additional charge for this.

Additionally, some companies may send me their products to review. Keep in mind that my review of these products are not swayed in any way, shape, or form because of being provided these products. With all my reviews (tv shows/movies, video games, various products, etc…) I will always be 100% honest in my opinions. If they are great, good, bad, or horrible, I will let you know. It’s then up to you if you want to make a purchase or subscribe to a service as a result.

All I ask in the end, is that if you decide you like a product I talk about or if you want to subscribe to a service that offers a tv show or movie I talk about, that you please click the links I provide. By doing so you are ensuring that The Pop Cloud Blog site is able to continue offering you the great articles you are reading. Thanks so much readers.

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