About The Pop Cloud Blog

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Pop Cloud Blog.I just wanted to take some time to let you know what this blog site will be about. First and foremost, I will be writing about things related to pop-culture that I find the most interesting. This will range from tv shows to movies to video games to tourist destinations and even technology. I will break this down even further in the following paragraphs.

black asphalt road near cliff mountain
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

I will be writing three different kinds of articles on this blog. First will be more news/fact-oriented articles. For example, if news breaks about a new tv series or movie being made or a new video game announcement, I will write articles about that. I will give you as many facts as I can uncover for that particular show/movie/video game. The second type will be more opinionated. If a new episode of a show airs or a new movie premiers or a new video game comes out, I will give a review about it so you can decide if it’s worth watching/playing. And thirdly, if I come across a technological product that I personally use, I will occasionally write a review article about it telling you if it’s great or not-so-great and why. This is all being done in my attempt to become part of the pop-culture world and inform my subscribers of what is going on in the world of entertainment.

TV Shows

When it comes to tv shows I tend to focus on science fiction shows like Star Trek which is having a huge renaissance period right now. There are new series coming out and each one seems to be quite successful. Another sci-fi show I will be writing about will be Doctor Who. I’m a big Whovian and that show is one I find quite entertaining. I also do follow other kinds of shows as well. RuPaul’s Drag Race is yet another show I am a huge fan of. I have been watching that show since the original season 2 and have seen every single season of the US series and most of the international (I have not watched Thailand). Other shows may be added to this list but that’s just a glimpse of what tv shows I will be writing about.


When it comes to movies, I am a huge fan of super hero movies. Right now the Marvel Cinematic Universe is reigning supreme thanks to Disney as the parent company. But I also do watch the DC comics movies. I will be covering movies from both companies in this blog. I am also a follower of the Star Wars series of movies. I don’t discriminate between Star Trek and Star Wars. They are both amazing in their own respects. Since I enjoy both, I will be writing about them on here. And I also love Disney movies. I have been in heaven watching and catching up on my favorite movies on the Disney+ app. As more additions come to that app, expect to see that covered here as well.

Video Games

When it comes to video games, I will be discussing that in articles in pretty deep detail. Before anything else, I am a huge gamer at heart. I have been playing video games since the original 8-bit NES console back in the mid 1980’s. To be completely honest, I have become more of a Nintendo and PlayStation fan than Xbox. But that’s mostly because of the types of games that Nintendo and PlayStation offer are what I prefer playing. When it comes to genres, I am hugely into RPGs. My favorite series is Final Fantasy and my favorite character is Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. As a result, you should expect to find a lot of articles about RPGs of all sorts. I also enjoy platformers and action-adventure games. 

Tourist Destinations

In time I do plan to write articles about tourist destinations to check out. I am based in Florida and there are an endless amount of tourist spots to visit here. I am primarily quite fond of Disney. I go there quite often and Walt Disney World is in the process of adding in new attractions in the next few years. Especially with the 50th anniversary of the Orlando park about to commence in October of this year, a lot of exciting things will be happening. I will write articles about new exciting openings at Disney as well as other cool tourist spots I find as I travel around Florida. 

Walt Disney World image courtesy of wdwmagic.com

Tech Reviews

And lastly, I am a bit of a technophile. If I buy or use a tech products and thoroughly enjoy them or find that I don’t like them, I will write an article every once in a while about that. I will tell you what I liked about it, what made it so great, where you can buy it, things of that nature. Or if it wasn’t good, I will tell you why as well. Keep an eye out for that. 

This is what the Pop Cloud Blog will be about. I also want to invite you to please subscribe to my blog so you can be kept up to date whenever a new article is published. Additionally, you are more than welcome to comment on my articles. As my first foray into the blogging world, I will have some growing pains and will be relying on you my readers/subscribers to to inform me about what you like and didn’t like so I can make this blog one that everyone will enjoying reading.

Thanks so much for taking time to read about my blog. Feel free to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for messages about this site and also to subscribe so you know when new articles are posted. I hope you enjoy this site!